Friday, March 20, 2009

Assignment #44: Part XIV

Put An Old Piece Of Furniture Outside

Monday, March 9, 2009

Assignment #44: Part XIII

Read Your Parent's Favorite Book
My mother's favorite book at this time and my father's favorite book at this time.

Assignment #69

Climb To The Top Of A Tree And Take A Picture Of The View

The Skidmore Bluffs
Portland, OR

Monday, February 9, 2009

Assignment #42

List 5 Events From 1984

1. The first Macintosh was released for sale.
2. Michael Jackson's head was seriously burned by pyrotechnics while filming a Pepsi commercial.
3. I was hospitalized for approaching perfection.
4. The longest game in Major League Baseball was played. Lasting 25 innings and played over the course of 2 days.
5. Svetlana Savitskaya becomes the first woman to the space walk.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Assignment #26

Design An Article Of Clothing For Mona To Crochet

A jumper, in anticipation for Spring.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Assignment #44: Part XII

Write A Letter From Everyone Discovering Your Deepest Darkest Secrets

Dear Carly,

We've figured you out, there's no need to hide it anymore. All of your secrets are divulged and frankly, we wish we didn't know what we do. Here's a list of everything you've been trying to keep to yourself:

1. When you say you're doing homework, you're actually just taking a nap.
2. Your feet turn a really funny purple and red color when you get out of the bath or when you're cold.
3. You obsessively organize your room but tell us that you're just "tidying up."
4. You constantly misuse your knowledge of everyone's passwords.
5. Even when you're not taking a nap when you say that you're doing homework, you're reading things for pleasure rather than for school work.
6. You wish you had a better Spanish accent.
7. We know that you dislike the cold, but you say that the Portland winter makes you productive. We really know that you are always just waiting for anything above 50 degrees and until then, you're miserable.
8. You start projects and don't finish them because you say that you just wanted to start something new, but really, you just don't know how to finish them.
9. You think about being somewhere else more often than you think about how good here is.
10. You stopped being vegan a couple months ago and feel guilty about it, mostly when the right company's around.
11. You'd rather be doing something else but are too afraid to drop your current commitments.
12. You sing as loud as you can when you wash the dishes and when you think you're alone. We can hear you.
13. You watch a lot of internet T.V.
14. We know what you daydream about.
15. You know it'll never turn out like that, but you still think about it.
16. You're not tough, but you wish you were.
17. Yes, you were a cheerleader.

There's more, but we'd like to spare you the embarrassment. Just know that we know.


Assignment #44: Part XI

Document Something That Made You Smile Today

Biking across this at 10 in the morning and not being cold at all.

My T.A. being extraordinarily nice and breaking the Biology Rules so that i wouldn't have to dissect these cute guys.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignment #44: Part X

Create A CD Of Your Favorite Songs

1. New Order- "Ceremony"
2. The Robot Ate Me- "This Love is Waiting"
3. Anna Hale- "Whiskers"
4. Jesus & Mary Chain- "Just Like Honey"
5. Benji Cossa- "April"
6. Yo La Tengo- "You Can Have it All"
7. Carly Toyer- "Together Again"
8. Jason Anderson- "July 4th, 2004"
9. Castanets- "Sway"
10. Herman Dune- "Pure Hearts"
11. Elliott Smith- "Happiness"
12. Mariah Carey- "Dreamlover"
13. Viking Moses- "One Arm Around the Sinner"
14. Silver Jews- "Random Rules"
15. No Age- "Everybody's Down"
16. Thanksgiving- "Days"
17. The Weakerthans- "My Favourite Chords"
18. The Windswept Stars- "Goodnight Summertime"

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Assignment #50

Take A Flash Photo Under Your Bed


Friday, January 2, 2009

Assignment #44: Part IX

Make A List Of All The Things You Love About A Particular Person



Assignment #44: Part VIII

Describe A Cherished, Lost Possession


My right Beverly Feldman shoe that i wore to Winter Formal with Alex Lowell in 2004. It's been missing since about 2005, and i have no idea where it went. The last place i saw it was in the backseat of my car and i think somebody must've accidentally dropped it outside the door when i was giving them a ride. The worst part is is that i've still got the right one to remind me. Also, i've still got my mom to remind me.